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Writer's pictureRishika

Some Easter thoughts on resurrection

Sadhu meditating at sunrise.
Did Jesus spend his "missing years" studying with yogis in India? Some sources suggest it.

As we work with thoughtforms -- as we begin to realize that everything we've ever believed about ourselves is a thoughtform that came from somewhere else, and which may or may not accurately represent us -- there comes a process of self-evaluation and reckoning. (If you're on a path of spiritual awakening as well, you likely know exactly what I'm talking about.)

In order to know what we want and why we want it (aka Rule No. 1 of manifesting with thoughtforms), we need to know who we truly are. That usually means that some old version of ourself must die so that our new, true Self may be witnessed.

I was raised Roman Catholic, although I left the church at 14 (ironically, right after my Confirmation), because I couldn't make intellectual sense of what I was being taught. But I subsequently have come to understand that what Jesus really intended to demonstrate through His death and resurrection was simply this: That we are not who we think we are. We are not small, reflexively sinful, powerless mortals whose only purpose is to do just enough "right" in our one and only lifetime to avoid finding ourselves in hell.

We are simply not that limited.

We are instead Divine Beings, as He was, who merely have been deceived as to our True Nature. We bought into thoughtforms of competition, limitation, judgment and fear, instead of love, which is the only true Reality. It is from love that all thoughtforms, including ourselves, are manifested, are sustained, and may be eternally reborn. He died and came back to life as if to say, "See? This is how it's done."

[Obviously, I'm not here to explain the Bible, only to point out that there are many, many ways to interpret it. Some sources suggest Jesus spent at least some of his 18 "missing years" (there are few hints as to what exactly he was doing between the ages of 12 and 29) in India or environs, studying Yoga or other esoteric practices. In India and yogic circles he is considered at the very least a highly advanced Yogi and ascended Master.]

So in the spirit of this Easter morning, and in addition to whatever other practices you already observe, I would invite you to break down, examine and let die any outworn thoughtforms you hold about yourself. Let go of your ideas of limitation, of scarcity, of time, and of life happening passively "to" you. One helpful practice is to envision your heart as a powerful furnace of love -- then place those thoughtforms there -- especially any ideas of self-loathing, failure, regret or "not good enough" -- and burn them to metaphorical ash.

In their place, let be reborn thoughtforms of abundance, limitless creativity, effortless connection and synchronicity, and timeless opportunity. Hold them in light, love and joy, and watch what arises in that new and bountiful space. This is the new you, the real you, the you reborn from the well of bottomless love. A child of the Infinite, just as every ascended Master, Jesus included, was and continues to Be. You had simply forgotten. Arise.

Namaste. ~Rishika


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